Biofilms and Spatially Organised Communities / Romain Briandet

Biofilms and Spatially Organised Communities


The work of the B3D team is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the dynamic mechanisms governing spatially organised microbial communities such as biofilms and their emergent properties. Our approach aims to identify situations conducive to the emergence of microbiological hazards, while developing innovative strategies, both preventive (with a focus on beneficial biofilms) and curative (using physical, chemical or biological treatments). This holistic approach is based on the convergence of several disciplines within our team, including microbiology, molecular biology and imaging.


INRAE, MICALIS, Domaine de Vilvert, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France. 

E-mail:          Phone:  +33 1 74 07 16 98

The B3D team is part of the "UMT ACTIA FASTYPERS" with ACTALIA, ANSES and l'IFIP.

Act UMT Fastypers logo

The B3D team is also part of the "RMT ACTIA FLOREPRO" animated by Souad Christieans (ADIV) and Monique Zagorec (INRAE).

See also

Modification date: 02 February 2024 | Publication date: 24 June 2013 | By: Micalis