Marianne De Paepe

Marianne De Paepe

Researcher (CR)

Research interests

Temperate phages are ubiquitous parasites of bacteria, that greatly impact bacterial populations. In order to understand their impact on bacterial ecology, I study mainly two aspects of temperate phages: their mutation rate and the mortality they induce on gut bacteria. This last aspect is studied using gnotoxenic mice, these very simplified gut environments unabling to obtain quantitative aspects of bacterial lysis.

Main publications

Cornuault, J.K., Petit M.A., Mariadassou M., Benevides L., Moncaut E., Langella P., Sokol H., De Paepe M. (2018) Phages infecting Faecalibacterium prausnitzii belong to novel viral genera that help to decipher intestinal viromes. Microbiome Apr 3;6(1):65

Diard, M., Bakkeren, E., Cornuault JK., Moor K., Hausmann A., Sellin ME., Loverdo C., Aertsen A., Ackermann M., De Paepe M., Slack E., Hardt WD. Inflammation boosts bacteriophage transfer between Salmonella spp. Science. 2017 Mar 17;355(6330):1211-1215. DOU: 10.1126/science.aaf8451.

De Paepe, M., Moncaut, E., Son, O., S., Langella, P., Petit, M. A. (2016): Carriage of λ Latent Virus Is Costly for Its Bacterial Host due to Frequent Reactivation in Monoxenic Mouse Intestine. PLoS Genet 12(2): e1005861

De Paepe, M., Hutinet G., Son, O., Amarir, J. and Petit, M.A. (2014) Temperate phages acquire DNA from defective prophages by relaxed homologous recombination. PloS Genetics 10(3):e1004181

De Paepe M., Hutinet G., Son O., Amarir-Bouhram J., Schbath S., Petit M. A. (2014) Temperate phages acquire DNA from defective prophages by relaxed homologous recombination: the role of Rad52-like recombinases. PloS Genetics 10(3):e1004181

De Paepe M, Leclerc M, Tinsley CR, Petit MA. (2014) Bacteriophages: an underestimated role in human and animal health? Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 28(4):39
De Paepe, M., Gaboriau-Routhiau, V., Rainteau, D., Taddei, F. and Cerf-Bensussan, N. (2011) Trade-off between bile resistance and nutritional competence drives diversification in the mouse gut. PLoS Genetics, 7, e6.
De Paepe M*, De Monte S*, Robert L, Lindner AB, Taddei F (2010) Emergence of variability in isogenic Escherichia coli populations infected by a filamentous virus. PLoS One 5(7): e11823
Giraud A, Arous S*, De Paepe M*, Gaboriau-Routhiau V, Bambou JC, Rakotobe S, Lindner AB, Taddei F, Cerf-Bensussan N (2008) Dissecting the genetic components of adaptation of Escherichia coli to the mouse gut. PLoS Genetics 4(1): e2
* These authors participated equally to the work
De Paepe M, Taddei F (2006) Viruses' Life History: Towards a Mechanistic Basis of a Trade-Off between Survival and Reproduction among Phages. PLoS Biology 4(7): e193
Brown SP, Le Chat L, De Paepe M, Taddei F (2006) Ecology of microbial invasions: amplification allows virus carriers to invade more rapidly when rare. Current Biology 16(20): 2048-2052

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 09 November 2011 | By: Marianne De Paepe