Didier Lereclus

Didier Lereclus

PhD, Emeritus Research Director, INRAE

- Me contacter

E-Mail: Didier Lereclus

Téléphone: 33 (0)1 34 65 21 00


At the University of Paris (Paris 7)
1978: Master in Genetics and Master in Biochemistry
1978: Certificate of General Microbiology of the Pasteur Institute
1979: Master in Microbiology
1981: PhD in Microbiology
1987: Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences



1980-1983: PhD at IRBM (Jussieu), and Institut Pasteur (Grants from D.G.R.S.T., Weismann Institute and French government)
1983: Scientist at the Pasteur Institute (Unit of Microbial Biochemistry, CR - INRA)
1991: Senior scientist (Director of Research 2nd class - INRA) and team leader at the Pasteur Institute (Paris, France)
1999: Senior scientist (Director of Research 1st class - INRA)
1998-2009: Head of the Unit Microbial Genetic and Environment (INRA, La Minière)
Since 2010: Vice Director of the Micalis Institute (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas) and head of the team Microbial Genetics and Environment



- Member of expert commissions for INRA and CIRAD
- Member of examination jury for scientist recruitment (INRA)
- Member of the scientific council of the MICA Department (INRA)
- Member of the Haut Conseil des Biotechnologies (French governmental organisation)
- Participation to PhD thesis jurys (more than 20)
- Reviewer for several international journals (PloS Pathogens, Molecular Microbiology, Journal of
Bacteriology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbiology…)
- Member of the Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin nomenclature committee
- Coordinator the Bacillus cereus network (8 francophone laboratories)
- Member of the steering committee of the International Bacillus ACT Meeting



- ACC SV6 (1995-1997) and AIP Microbiologie-INRA (1998-1999): Coordinator of the project «Interactions bactéries/insecte».
- Coordinator of a project including 7 european laboratories and focusing on the sequencing of B.thuringiensis et B. cereus (1997-1999).
- Manager of a collaboration project between Institut Pasteur, INRA and Aventis (1998-2003)
- AIP Microbiologie (2003-2005): Coordinator of the project «Étude de l'adhésion et de la communication cellulaire chez les bactéries du groupe cereus».
- PNRA (2006-2008): Collaborator of the project «Bacillus cereus» including 7 teams from INRA and AFSSA.
- INRA-AFSSA (2007-2008): Coordinator of the project «Tiacer» including 3 teams from INRA and AFSSA.
- AUF (2008-2009): Coordinator of the project «Étude de la résistance de bactéries pathogènes aux peptides antibactériens».
- ANR (2009-2012): Collaborator of the project «GrabIron» including 3 teams from Institut Pasteur and INRA.
- ANR Blanc (2009-2012): Coordinator of the project «Cell.com» including 3 teams from CNRS and INRA.
- Risk OGM (2012-2014): Collaborator of the project «CryMuc including 3 teams from INRA.
- ANR Emergence (2013-2015): Coordinator of the project «Bt-Surf» including 2 teams from University (Lille) and INRA
- ANR BioAdapt (2013-2016): Collaborator of the project «PathoBactEvol» including 6 teams from INRA and university (toulouse) and two teams from Belgium and Spa



- Course of General Microbiology (Pasteur Institute); 6 weeks in 1995 and 2000.
- Master Paris VI « Physiologie des Invertébrés » (up to 2005, 3 h/year).
- Master Paris VII « Interactions Toxiques dans les Écosystèmes » (up to 2007, 2 h/year).
- Master Paris XI «Physiologie & génétique des microorganismes» (up to 2010, 3 h/year).
- Master AgroParisTech «Mécanismes et Evolution de la Pathogénie» (3 h/year).
- Master Univeristé Versailles - Saint Quentin (2 h in 2007 and 2010).



- Vincent Sanchis, allocation MRT, B2M, co-encadrement, 1989.
- Olivia Arantes, bourse brésilienne, Université de Sao Paulo, 1989.
- Marlene De Souza, bourse brésilienne, Université de Brasilia, 1995.
- Judy Müller-Cohn, bourse américaine et financement industriel, Université Paris 6, 1995.
- Hervé Agaisse, allocation MRT, Université Paris 7, B2M, 1996.
- Sylvain Espinasse, financement industriel, co-encadrement, 2001.
- Sinda Fedhila, bourse tunisienne, ABIES, 2002.
- Leyla Slamti, allocation MRT, Université Paris 7, B2M, 2003.
- Laurent Bouillaut, financement INRA-Région, ABIES, 2007.
- Thomas Dubois, allocation DGA, ABIES, 2012.



- Author ou co-author of 115 publications in peer-reviewed international publications.
- Author ou co-author of 22 reviews of book chapters.
- Author of 4 international patents.
- h index (on the period 1982 – 2013) = 41.



1. Ramarao, N., Lereclus, D., 2005. The InhA1 metalloprotease allows spores of the B. cereus group to escape macrophages. Cell. Microbiol. 7: 1357-1364.
2. Fedhila, S., Daou, N., Lereclus, D., Nielsen-LeRoux, C., 2006. Identification of Bacillus cereus internalin and other candidate virulence genes specifically
induced during oral infection in insects. Mol. Microbiol. 62: 339-355.

3. Declerck, N., Bouillaut, L., Chaix, D., Rugani, N., Slamti, L., Hoh, F., Lereclus, D., Arold, S.T., 2007. Structure of PlcR: Insights into virulence regulation and evolution of quorum sensing in Gram-positive bacteria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 18490-18495.

4. Bouillaut, L., Perchat, S., Arold, S. T., Zorrilla, S., Slamti, L., Henry, C., Gohar, M., Declerck,N., Lereclus, D., 2008. Molecular basis for group-specific activation of the virulence regulator PlcR by PapR heptapeptides. Nucleic Acids Res. 36: 3791-3801.

5. Gohar, M., Faegri, K., Perchat, S., Ragnum, S., Økstad, O. A., Gominet, M., Kolstø, A-B., Lereclus, D., 2008. The PlcR virulence regulon. PLoS ONE 3: e2793.

6. Daou, N., Buisson, C., Gohar, M., Vidic, J., Bierne, H., Kallassy, M., Lereclus, D., Nielsen- LeRoux, C., 2009. IlsA, a unique surface protein of Bacillus cereus required for iron acquisition from heme, hemoglobin and ferritin. PLoS Pathog 5: e1000675.

7. Tran, S., Guillemet, E., Ngo-Camus, M., Clybouw, C., Puhar, A., Moris, A., Gohar, M., Lereclus, D., Ramarao, N., 2010. Hemolysin II is a Bacillus cereus virulence factor that induces apoptosis of macrophages. Cell. Microbiol. 13: 92-108.

8. Perchat, S., Dubois, T., Zouhir, S., Gominet, M., Poncet, S., Lemy, C., Aumont-Nicaise, M., Deutscher, J., Gohar, M., Nessler, S., Lereclus, D., 2011. A cell-cell communication system regulates protease production during sporulation in bacteria of the Bacillus cereus group. Mol. Microbiol. 82:619-633.

9. Dubois, T., Faegri, K., Perchat, S,, Lemy, C., Buisson, C., Nielsen-LeRoux, C., Gohar, M., Ramarao, N., Kolstø, A., Lereclus, D., 2012. Necrotrophism is a quorum-sensing-regulated lifestyle in Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS Pathog 8: e1002629.

10. Grenha, R., Slamti, L., Nicaise, M., Refes, Y., Lereclus, D., Nessler, S., 2013. Structural basis for the activation mechanism of the PlcR virulence regulator by the quorum-sensing signal peptide PapR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:1047-1052.

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 24 January 2012 | By: Vincent Sanchis Borja