Pierre Renault

Pierre Renault

PhD, Research Director

Pierre Renault, PhD, is Research Director at the Micalis Institute located in Jouy en Josas (Ile-de-France) in the National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA). Micalis is composed of 29 teams working in Ecosystem, Food Risk and System Biology applied on Food and Health.

During his career, he developed pioneer researches on genetics and physiology of food bacteria. From 2009, he redirected part of his activities on human intestinal microorganisms that intimately interact with human physiology and may protect or favor metabolic disorders in conjunction of changes induced by diet, lifestyle and health. In this respect, it develops studies on a gut bacteria model species, Streptococcus salivarius. Furthermore, he participated to the development of metagenomic approaches to establish relationships between components of the human intestinal microbiome and metabolic disorders such as obesity and inflammatory bowel diseases. This includes the development of bioinformatic tools for data analysis generated by the New Generation Sequencers.

Currently, in the framework of a newly created team “Food Microbial Ecology” gathering skills in food microbial ecology, metagenomics and bioinformatics, he manages researches on microbial interaction in food and their impact on food safety and quality with cutting edge approaches based on shotgun metagenomics.


  • 18 year experience in leading research team including scientist, post-docs, technicians and PhD students
  • responsible for the Doctoral studies of a total of 18 Ph.D. candidates.
  • (co-)-author of 85 scientific peer reviewed papers in the fields of microbial physiology, molecular biology, metabolic engineering, genomics and metagenomics.
  • 5 patents – among which one led to the commercialized of strains, and a second still in the second phase of industrial development


Tel: +33 (0)1 34 65 25 27

Email: Pierre Renault

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 14 April 2011 | By: Micalis