Luis Bermudez-Humaran

Probiotiques, commensales et inflammation

The aim of this research group is to analyze the interactions between both probiotic and commensal bacteria (with potential beneficial properties) with the host to determine the molecular mechanisms of these positive effects for human and animal health. We are mainly focused on intestinal pathologies such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) colorectal cancer (CRC) and intestinal parasitosis. We study through mechanistic and global approaches in vitro (cellular models) and in vivo (murine models and clinical trials in humans and dogs) the potential effects of probiotic and commensal bacteria in order to decipher the mechanisms governing this crosstalk. We are also working on the use of recombinant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to deliver molecules of health interest (eg. anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories, vaccines, etc.) and in the selection and characterization of novel probiotic strains for the development of new probiotic supplements.


Luis Bermudez-Humaran

The ultimate goal of our group is to move towards the development of a new bacteriotherapy for both humans and animals

Procominf 2017

From left to right (2017) : Rebeca Martin-Rosique; Pamela Gonzalez; Bruno Campos; Anne Aucouturier; Philippe Langella;

Pauline Ruffié; Anne Sophie Boucard;Luis Bermudez-Humaran; Isabelle Naas; Elsa Jacouton; Florian Chain; Pierre Belhumeur;

Monica Barone; Véronique Robert; Célia Chamignon

People :

Luis Bermudez-Humaran | PI

Florian Chain | Research Engineer

Philippe Langella | Head of the team but also member of this group

Anne Judith Waligora | Professor, Paris-Descartes University

Rebeca Martin-Rosique | PI

Elsa Jacouton | Post-Doc

Anne Aucouturier | Engineer associate

Edgar Torres-Maravilla | Post-Doc

Sead Chadi | Engineer associate

Sintia Almeida | Post-Doc

Véronique Robert | Engineer associate

Célia Chamignon | PhD student

Pauline Ruffié | Research Engineer

Sophie Gontier | Engineer

Sabrina Karri | M2 student

Silvia Malavolta | M2 student

Former members of the group :

Isabelle Naas

Bruno Campos

Marion Lenoir

Pascale Kharrat

Jean-Jacques Gratadoux

Sylvia Le Guin

Aurore Thorigné

Caroline Dausset

Thibault Allain

Noura Kechaou

Laure Laval

Bouasria Benbouziane

Ana Paula Pessoa

Rodrigo Dias

Camille Aubry

Thomas Larcher

Jasmine Sridar

Chloé Raynal

Odile Rivoarilala

Diego Munoz

Pedro Ribelles

Fabien Dumetz

Laurie Watterlot

Tatiana Rochat


INRA-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
UMR 1319 MICALIS-Microbiologie de l'Alimentation au Service de la Santé humaine
Pôle Ecosystèmes: Interactions des bactéries commensales et probiotiques avec l'hôte
Domaine de Vilvert-Bât. 440 R-2
78352, Jouy-en-Josas, cedex France
Phone : +33

Mail :

Date de modification : 24 août 2023 | Date de création : 03 mai 2018 | Rédaction : Marie-Laure Michel et Florian Chain