Jeanne Malet

Jeanne Malet

2nd year of Master trainee (April - August 2018)

I’m a 5th-year Pharmacy student in the faculty of Pharmacy of Châtenay-Malabry (Paris Sud University) and I integrated the Industry and Research sector during my 4th year. In the future, I want to continue in microbiology academic research, especially bacteriology.

I chose to make my 5th year internship in a research lab to enhance my knowledge in bacteriology and to acquire technical skills in molecular biology (DNA extractions, PCR, qPCR, samples preparation for Illumina sequencing), missing in my previous experiences.

Indeed, during my two previous internships in the EA4043 “Bactéries, Pathogènes et Santé”, I worked on different projects concerning the biofilm formed by Clostridium difficile. These experiences teached me a lot about microbial culture, particularly anaerobic culture techniques, and biofilm formation but I didn’t practice molecular biology at all.

That is why this new experience in the PhylHom lab will allow me to extend my set of skills, in order to continue with a Master 2 and then, hopefully, with a PhD.

Thus, I joined PhylHom Team in April 2018 to work on a project aiming to understand the biological mechanisms involved in the modulation of the post-HSCT (Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation) anti-tumoral response by a therapeutic agent (confidential name). I will focus on the molecular part of the project: molecular study of the microbiota of the patients included in the study.

Modification date : 14 September 2023 | Publication date : 03 October 2018 | Redactor : PhylHom