Julien Tap

Julien Tap

PhD student (January 2007 - December 2009)

After several internships in microbiology at Institut Pasteur (Patrick Grimont, Philippe Glaser, Sylvain Brisse), Julien Tap went to Joel Doré’s Lab to do a PhD headed by Marion Leclerc (Jan 2007 to Dec 2009). His main project was to study dietary fiber impact on human gut microbiota using notably metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches.

 Since his PhD, his research interest focused on interactions between nutrition, gut microbiota, and human health. This allowed him to work with different AP-HP clinicians like Pr Karine Clément and Pr Iradj Sobhani. As post-doc did at EMBL in Peer Bork’s group and at INRAE Metagenopolis unit (Joel Doré, Dusko Ehrlich), as well as Danone Nutricia Research, he used several approaches like numerical ecology and machine learning technics to untangle big omics data with clinical and dietary data.

Julien is currently a research scientist at INRAE Micalis institute in [Food Microbial Ecology Team] (https://fme.micalis.fr/team/julien-tap/) settled in Paris-Saclay campus, where he works on microbiome science topics around nutrition and human health.

Modification date : 14 September 2023 | Publication date : 11 May 2015 | Redactor : PhylHom