Research Technician INRA

  • Peggy MERVELET
  • Position held in the Lab: TRS
  • In the Lab from May 25th, 1998 since Dec 31st, 2020

Description du Projet

The study of MreB-like proteins requires the use of genetic tools that ultimately reveal morphological, phenotypic or transcriptomic analysis and protein expression. The analysis of different genetic behaviors is an essential point in understanding their functions.

MreB-like proteins are structural homologs of actin and are part of the bacterial cytoskeleton. Inactivation or absence of these proteins has already been shown to influence the shape and / or structure of bacterial cells. From an experimental point of view, it is important to genetically modify the genome of bacteria. This is one of the reasons why it is essential to develop genetic tools adapted to the needs of our team and its model microorganism.

The objective of my activity is to develop and optimize genetic tools that will open new perspectives of investigation for the research of the team.


8. MARCHADIER E., CARBALLIDO-LÓPEZ R., BRINSTER S., FABRET C., MERVELET P., BESSIÈRES P., NOIROT-GROS M-F., FROMION V., NOIROT P., (2011) An expanded protein-protein interaction network in Bacillus subtilis reveals a group of hubs: Exploration by an integrative approach. Proteomics. Aug;11(15):2981-91.
7. MATHY N., HÉBERT A., MERVELET P., BÉNARD L., DORLÉANS A., LI DE LA SIERRA-GALLAY I., NOIROT P., PUTZER H., CONDON C., (2010) Bacillus subtilis ribonucleases J1 and J2 form a complex with altered enzyme behaviour. Mol. Microbiol. Jan;75(2):489-98.
6. MERVELET P., (2009) Recherche de substrats de dégradation spécifiques des protéases HtrA-like de Bacillus subtilis. Mémoire d’ingénieur CNAM
5. PONCET S., SORET M., MERVELET P., DEUTSCHER J., NOIROT P., (2009) Transcriptional activator YesS is stimulated by histidine-phosphorylated HPr of the Bacillus subtilis phosphotransferase system. J. Biol. Chem. Oct 9;284(41):28188-97.
4. TANOUS C., SOUTOURINA O., RAYNAL B., HULLO M.F., MERVELET P., GILLES A.M., NOIROT P., DANCHIN A., ENGLAND P., MARTIN-VERSTRAETE I., (2008) The CymR regulator in complex with the enzyme CysK controls cysteine metabolism in Bacillus subtilis. J. Biol. Chem. Dec 19;283(51):35551-60.
3. VEIGA P., BULBARELA-SAMPIERI C., FURLAN S., MAISONS A., CHAPOT-CHARTIERS M.P., ERKELENZ M., MERVELET P., NOIROT P., FREES D., KUIPERS O.P., KOK J., GRUSS A., BUIST G., KULAKAUSKAS S., (2007) pxB regulates O-acetylation-dependent resistance of Lactococcus lactis peptidoglycan to hydrolysis. J. Biol. Chem. Jul 6;282(27):19342-54.
2. DERVYN E., NOIROT-GROS M-F., MERVELET P., McGOVERN S., EHRLICH S.D., POLARD P., NOIROT P., (2004) The bacterial condensin/cohesin-like protein complex acts in DNA repair and regulation of gene expression. Mol. Microbiol. Mar;51(6):1629-40.
1. NOIROT-GROS M-F., DERVYN E., WU L.J., MERVELET P., ERRINGTON J., EHRLICH S.D., NOIROT P., (2002) An expanded view of bacterial DNA replication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jun 11;99(12):8342-7.

Curriculum Vitae

2009 : CNAM Degree in Engineering, specialism in Science et Techniques of the Living (Biological Engineering)
2005 : DEST spécialism in Biological engineering
1997 : BTS in Biotechnologies
Research Technician at INRA since 1998.

Modification date : 14 September 2023 | Publication date : 16 February 2021 | Redactor : Peggy Mervelet