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Micalis is directed by Philippe Noirot since 2021. The unit is organised around three committees, which are closely involved in decision-making, and 6 cross-functional mission groups.

Philippe Noirot


The executive committee (CoDir)

The Executive Committee (CoDir) is responsible for strategic, administrative, budgetary, and HR management of the Unit. It is composed of height members:

  • The Unit director (DU)
  • Five deputy directors (DUAs): three DUAs are responsible of the thematic pillars (DUA-RP), one deputy director is in charge of Human Resources management (DUA-RH) and one deputy director is in charge of financial and administrative management (DUA-GFA)
  • Two coordinators of Micalis Transversal research Axes (aiming to develop collaborative research cross-cutting the thematic pillars and extending to the UPSaclay research and teaching community)


Of note, the CoDir is composed of 4 women & 4 men. The CoDir meets once per month

CoDir members

Françoise RUL


Catherine GAUTIER



Pascale SERROR

Philippe NOIROT


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The Team Leader’s Committee (CoRE).

The Team Leaders’ Committee (CoRE) is responsible for steering the unit’s scientific strategy and unit’s life. This involves:

  1. consultation on shared budget repartition and use, decision on the proposed evolutions of financial management principles affecting teams
  2. requests of human resources for platforms or support services
  3. purchase of novel shared equipments, renovation of premises and space re-allocation, common services
  4. relations with UPSaclay Graduate Schools
  5. application of research regulations

The CoRE discusses and votes on proposals instructed by the CoDir.

The Unit Representative Council (CdU)

The Unit Representative Council (CdU) deals with operational and regulatory matters concerning the Unit. The CdU is composed of representatives elected (elections for each personnel category: researchers and assistant/full professors, engineers, technicians, PhD students and Post-Doc – on a pro rata basis), appointed members (DUAs, managers of support services and cross-functional mission groups). It is chaired by the DU. It meets at the initiative of the DU or upon request from at least a quarter of the members. 

The CdU is both a place for dialogue and information exchange between all categories of staff to being a place for the pragmatic instruction of complexe issues that the unit faces.

Cross-functional mission groups

Micalis is commited to providing working conditions that promote staff health, safety, well-being, and the prevention of psychosocial risks through comprehensive measures. Operationally, 11 prevention assistants (PA) overseeing 3 buildings. Two PA manage prevention efforts, coordinate with center services and unit management. Additionally, 25 Occupational First Aid Responders maintain first aid kits and handle emergencies. 40 agents manage evacuations, with a coordinator holding regular meetings to review procedures. The unit also houses 13 BSL2 laboratories, managed by 20 trained  personnel, overseen by a Biosafety PA. Chemical, biological, and  physical risks are identified and mitigated by implementing complementary actions:

  1. Identification and analysis of specific risks encountered within the unit,
  2. Systematic and regular taff training, particularly newcomers,
  3. Implementation of measures according to risks and priority focus,
  4. Review of accidents and incidents within the unit and actions taken,
  5. two PA serve on the unit council to ensue comprehensive safety oversight. Overall, Micalis’ approach integrates proactive measures, comprehensive training, and continuous evaluation to ensure staff safety and well-being.

M. Boulay,  M. Grégoire, S. Chadi, S. Gaubert, E. Maximin, E. Moncault, D. Onesime, C. Le Poupon, A. Réjasse, E. Verplaetse

The Quality Group activities aim to implement the INRAE Quality Policy in Micalis, focusing on :

  1. Research Activity Traceability, including standardized laboratory notebooks, periodic control of spectrophotometers, precision balances, and pipette metrology, and provision of temperature recording probes and operating procedures;
  2. Equipment and Data Quality Assurance, including provision of templates for standardized method writing and data storage sustainability ensured by Micalis IT servers;
  3. Organizational Improvement, including New employee onboarding through the New Entrant Welcome Booklet, procedure writing, including sample sending procedures and LabCollector software updates for chemicals and shared equipment management
  4. Risk management, including implementation of a 24/7 freezer alarm system, backup freezers, and an emergency response team, and the creation of a LabCollector module for comprehensive biological resource data recording to minimizie associated risks. Altogether, the Quality Group activities demonstrate Micalis’ commitment to quality, equipment reliability, organizational efficiency, and research risk management.

F. Beguet-Crespel, R. Dervyn / A. Balvay, G. Da Costa, M. Darsonval, O. Delumeau, T. Duigou, M. Monnoye, V. Robert

Logo Green MicalisGreen Micalis, a sustainable development group, was set up in 2020, as part of the implementation of INRAE’s Corporate social responsibility action plan. It comprises 10 members, including the four leaders who are appointed by the director of Micalis and the president of INRAE Jouy-enJosas – Antony research Center. Green Micalis has assessed annually from 2019 its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission accounting. Three categories of emissions account for 85% of total emissions: purchases of goods and services (43%), natural gas for heating (25%), and mobility of employees (17%). Based on these results, Green Micalis focused its actions in the 3 folowing areas:

  1. Greenhouse gas emission reduction with focus on key contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, notably single-use plastics in purchases;
  2. Waste management with emphasis on environmentally friendly waste management practices and comprehensive recycling programs;
  3. Raising staff awareness workshops on climate change (Climat Fresk), participating in International Laboratory Freezer Challenge to encourage energy-saving practices, and engaging in events like Digital Cleanup Day to promote responsible digital practices, ultimately contributing to a more environmentally conscious workplace culture.

M. De Paepe, E. Dervyn, C. Le Poupon, M. Ventroux / C. Gautier, C. Rodrigues-Machado, A. Jamet, L. Prieux, B. Tati-Bouanga

The Scientific Animation Committee (CAS) at Micalis is responsible for organizing internal and external seminars, as well as the annual Micalis symposium. CAS comprises 6-7 members representing Micalis’s scientific pillars. Internal seminars transitioned from monthly to weekly, now allowing comprehensive presentations and ample discussion time with a broader audience in a bimodal format. External seminars, predominantly on Thursdays, host speakers from France, Europe, and globally, promoting collaboration and scientific exchange. Typically, 15 to 20 external speakers are invited annually, with 53% from France, 27% from Europe, and 20% international. The annual symposium showcases Micalis’s achievements, new researchers, and funded projects, fostering discussion and collaboration. CAS’s plays a pivotal role in promoting scientific exchange within Micalis and with external researchers.
M-L. Michel / L. Slamti, E. Dervyn, F. Repoila, R. Dejean de la Batie
The main role of the Operational data manager (RDO) is to foster within Micalis a common culture of best practices for research data management, with support and guidelines from INRAE Open Science Directorate. RDO activities include informing Micalis staff about open science (training, recommendations to produce FAIR data, etc) and open data developments, providing support for data management (such as drafting Data Management Plans, documenting data, backups, etc.), and mapping the unit’s main data types and digital assets. The Micalis RDO actively participates in the network of RDOs of the MICA & ALIMH divisions.
N. Mohellibi

The Institut Micalis webmasters’ first task was to design the unit’s website. This was done in collaboration with an external service provider. Since then, they have been responsible for content updates, editorial consistency and traffic analysis for future site development.

C. Billaudeau, R. Briandet, L. Bridoux, J. Deschamps, C. Gautier, A. Harnois, M-L. Michel, C. Savaris

Cross-functional mission groups members






Etienne DERVYN


Véronique ROBERT

Stéphane GAUBERT

Marie-Laure MICHEL

Ludovic PRIEUX



Catherine GAUTIER












Marianne DE PAEPE


Alexandre JAMET




Gregory DA COSTA

Baveck Georcy TATY BOUANGA

Aurélie BALVAY



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